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A Primary Health Care Facility is a medical entity that provides comprehensive care to people who have declared a desire to use the services of a family doctor working there or another doctor authorized to create an active patient list. This means treatment and prevention of diseases, rehabilitation, as well as health adjudication.

Neurochirurg Adam Radziak

dr nauk medycznych, Neurochirurg, Neurochirurgia
+1 111 111 1111 +1 111 11*** show
100USD - 120USD

Alergolog Klaudiusz Wiśniewski

Alergolog, Alergologia
+701500300 +701*** show
60USD - 85USD

Praktyka ginekologiczna

Ginekolog, Ginekologia
+88 971 80 14 +88 971*** show
100USD - 120USD

Pediatra Honorata Kaczmarek

Pediatra, Pediatria
+80456888622 +80456*** show
20USD - 50USD

NZO Psychiatrycznej

Psychiatria, Psychiatra
+69 763 10 16 +69 763*** show
110USD - 115USD

Klinika Chirurgii Plastycznej

Chirurg Plastyczny, Chirurgia Plastyczna
+79 418 27 49 +79 418*** show

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The specialization system is based on modules. Some specializations appear as a unified module, while others are divided into basic and specialized modules.

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Patients can enroll with a doctor outside their place of residence.

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Quality in health care is the degree to which health services involving individuals and populations increase the likelihood of achieving expectations for treatment outcomes and demonstrate compliance with current and professional knowledge

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